Project funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU | PRIN 2022 Project 20228R992T

Why a Research on Muslims in Italy?

The presence of people of the Muslim faith in Italy has progressively increased over the last sixty years, in parallel with the trends in migratory processes from countries where Islam is the main national religion. The aim of the project is to fill a significant gap in Italian and international literature regarding the “Italian case,” by providing an updated overview of the Muslim presence in the national territory. This will be achieved through an interdisciplinary research approach that engages in a dialogue between the knowledge and methodological approaches of the humanities and social sciences (sociology, psychology, anthropology) and those of legal sciences.


The inter-division meetings are important moments for the management of the research program. They are dedicated to planning research activities, discussing theoretical and methodological aspects, and joint sessions for data analysis and cross-evaluation of research practices.


18aprAll Day19Inter-Unit MeetingUniversity of Palermo


14julAll Day19Inter-Unit MeetingUniversity of Padua

unit Leaders

The project is coordinated by the Principal Investigator. The project involves 4 research units affiliated with 4 Italian universities. Each research division is coordinated by a local manager (Associate Investigator).

Empirical Research

The project is structured into multiple research lines, investigated through an interdisciplinary approach.

Mohammed Khalid
Brandalise Rhazzali

Università degli Studi di Padova

Mohammed Khalid Brandalise Rhazzali, vice direttore del Centro Interuniversitario per la Cultura, Diritto e Religione-FIDR, è co-responsabile scientifico del progetto internazionale PriMED – Prevenzione e Interazione nello Spazio Trans-Mediterraneo”-ID 82382-2019/2021.

Ricercatore associato all’Institut de Sciences Sociales des Religions Contemporaines de l’Université de Lausanne e responsabile scientifico dell’unità locale di Padova del progetto Eramus Plus Erasmus+ KA2, « Les trajectoires des diaspora turque et marocaine en Europe” (Capofila Université Saint-Louis (Bruxelles), è docente di «Sociologia della Religione» all’Università di Padova (I), dove co-dirige il Master in Studi sull’Islam d’Europa e il Master in Religions, Politics and Citizenship e coordina l’unità di ricerca locale del programma europeo «Transfer Radicalisation Approaches in Training (TRAin TRAINING) », cui capofila è il Ministero della Giustizia Italiano.

Tra le sue pubblicazioni : L’islam in carcere (FrancoAngeli, 2010), The end of life from an intercultural perspective. Mediators and religious assistants in the health service. Italian Journal of sociology of Education (2014) Comunicazione interculturale e sfera pubblica (Carocci, 2015), Appréhension et expérience de la pluralité religieuse dans les prisons de Suisse et d’Italie, Revue Critique Internationale » (con Becci e Schiavinato 2016), I musulmani nelle società europee (a cura di, con Allievi e Guolo, Guerini e Associati 2017), Muslim Communities in a Catholic Country, In: Abe W. Ata, Jan A Ali (eds.), Islam in the West: Perceptions and Reactions (con Pace, Oxford 2018), Vicissitudini dell’Halal e i musulmani d’Italia: tra istituzioni e mercato, Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica (2019).